Our Ropes Course Adventure is Sure to Be a Hit!

If summer adventures are what you’re looking for then the outdoor challenge course at The Summer Club is perfect for your party or special event!

Make your way across (and up) the two-level course, navigating platforms and bridges, all while being suspended high over the crowds below!

This attraction has 18 separate vertical and horizontal challenges, including swaying bridges, narrow beams, and a field of nets and ropes for you to conquer.

Monday – Friday

  • $29 / person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course.

  • $36 / person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course and a meal from The Summer Club Café.

    • Meal includes choice of hamburger, cheeseburger, grilled cheese or hot dog with chips and a drink.

Saturday & Sunday

  • $34 / person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course.

  • $41/ person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course and a meal from The Summer Club Café.

    • Meal includes choice of hamburger, cheeseburger, grilled cheese or hot dog with chips and a drink.

Our ropes course adventures include 1 hour on the ropes course. Each participant will be safely tethered with a harness and supports.

Must be 48″ to climb the course alone or 42″ to climb with an adult. Max weight 300 lbs. Proper footwear required – no flip-flops or sandals.

All loose items such as cell phones, wallets, purses and cameras must be left on the ground.

Monday – Friday

  • $29 / person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course.

  • $36 / person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course and a meal from The Summer Club Café.

    • Meal includes choice of hamburger, cheeseburger, grilled cheese or hot dog with chips and a drink.

Saturday & Sunday

  • $34 / person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course.

  • $41/ person (10 person minimum) – 3-hour use of The Summer Club including 1 hour on the ropes course and a meal from The Summer Club Café.

    • Meal includes choice of hamburger, cheeseburger, grilled cheese or hot dog with chips and a drink.

Our ropes course adventures include 1 hour on the ropes course. Each participant will be safely tethered with a harness and supports.

Must be 48″ to climb the course alone or 42″ to climb with an adult. Max weight 300 lbs. Proper footwear required – no flip-flops or sandals.

All loose items such as cell phones, wallets, purses and cameras must be left on the ground.

Party Discounts available for members of The Summer Club.
Book your event today by calling

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